Breaking the boundaries through Fashion: An interview with Stiggy
''L refuse to be taken back because of set backs'' said Silibaziso D Moyo (Stiggy)
By Tinashe Kwangwari (Tk)
This week's entrepreneur is a young
ambitious and determined Zimbabwean Cyprus based Fashion Designer
Stiggy. In an interview conducted by
Passionate Channel's Tk, she took us through her journey to
designing. ''Honestly l started designing and taking this business
seriously last year (feb 2016) when l came to Cyprus, sometimes l can
just cut things which l can just wear tomorrow'' she said. As a young
Zimbabwean female she do believe that all the comments and reports
about Zimbabwean girls doing prostitution in order to ends meat is
some how unjust and unfear, '' to me l think they are not being
fair, it is not ease for every Zimbabwean who came this side relating
to the situation at home.Because they are many other Zimbabwean girl
who are really working hard to achieve and reach their goals, for
instance others are working in hotels, restaurants, salons among many
other sectors. So such a statement is really unjust and so unfair.
Silibaziso D Moyo (Stiggy)
Stiggy is a young female entrepreneur who do believe that ladies have so much impact in any society they are in, to her she wants to break the chains of depending on men and prove not only to foreign young girls in Cyprus but the whole world at large that, time and season had passed away to depend on men in order to survive, '' ladies here in Cyprus and beyond the boarders should remove the mentality of depending on men and realise that as ladies we can surely do a lot '' No matter what people say to you, you just have to do what ever your dreams are. Because the same people who looked down at you at first place are the same people who will be like '' Oh my God make it through.''
Below are some of stiggy designer clothing
Stiggy Designs
'' It is not ease to do business here in Cyprus myself, l faced a lot of challenges among them is financial support, l can not really say l am Financially sound, because set backs do come along the way but l refuse to be taken back. And mostly after making products to people you are not sure if they are going to pay you better or even buy it. So you just have to risk it, no matter the consequences. I do not really have an inspiration or role model but mostly l am inspired by the people around me and the society as a whole. The first design l make was a jacket l did for my boy friend, so to say l got the inspiration from him (laughing )and my sister as well though she passed away she loved fashion so much.
First Stiggy Designer Jacket and some of the products
stiggy Designs

Stiggy Designs foot wear
Stiggy Designers
As a talented and hard working young female, Stiggy is hoping to work and dress big names in Cyprus and maybe be the next Pokello of Bulawayo as well as having her label bigger, better and Global. ''People can visit my facebook and instagram pages ''Stiggy Designs'', or contact me on +9053 385 888 38. To every foreigner here in Cyprus do not let challenges destroy your dreams and future, but make a difference where ever you are'' she concluded.