Breaking the boundaries through Fashion: An interview with Stiggy
''L refuse to be taken back because of set backs'' said Silibaziso D Moyo (Stiggy)
By Tinashe Kwangwari (Tk)
This week's entrepreneur is a young
ambitious and determined Zimbabwean Cyprus based Fashion Designer
Stiggy. In an interview conducted by
Passionate Channel's Tk, she took us through her journey to
designing. ''Honestly l started designing and taking this business
seriously last year (feb 2016) when l came to Cyprus, sometimes l can
just cut things which l can just wear tomorrow'' she said. As a young
Zimbabwean female she do believe that all the comments and reports
about Zimbabwean girls doing prostitution in order to ends meat is
some how unjust and unfear, '' to me l think they are not being
fair, it is not ease for every Zimbabwean who came this side relating
to the situation at home.Because they are many other Zimbabwean girl
who are really working hard to achieve and reach their goals, for
instance others are working in hotels, restaurants, salons among many
other sectors. So such a statement is really unjust and so unfair.
Silibaziso D Moyo (Stiggy)
Stiggy is a young female entrepreneur who do believe that ladies have so much impact in any society they are in, to her she wants to break the chains of depending on men and prove not only to foreign young girls in Cyprus but the whole world at large that, time and season had passed away to depend on men in order to survive, '' ladies here in Cyprus and beyond the boarders should remove the mentality of depending on men and realise that as ladies we can surely do a lot '' No matter what people say to you, you just have to do what ever your dreams are. Because the same people who looked down at you at first place are the same people who will be like '' Oh my God make it through.''
Below are some of stiggy designer clothing
Stiggy Designs
'' It is not ease to do business here in Cyprus myself, l faced a lot of challenges among them is financial support, l can not really say l am Financially sound, because set backs do come along the way but l refuse to be taken back. And mostly after making products to people you are not sure if they are going to pay you better or even buy it. So you just have to risk it, no matter the consequences. I do not really have an inspiration or role model but mostly l am inspired by the people around me and the society as a whole. The first design l make was a jacket l did for my boy friend, so to say l got the inspiration from him (laughing )and my sister as well though she passed away she loved fashion so much.
First Stiggy Designer Jacket and some of the products
stiggy Designs

Stiggy Designs foot wear
Stiggy Designers
As a talented and hard working young female, Stiggy is hoping to work and dress big names in Cyprus and maybe be the next Pokello of Bulawayo as well as having her label bigger, better and Global. ''People can visit my facebook and instagram pages ''Stiggy Designs'', or contact me on +9053 385 888 38. To every foreigner here in Cyprus do not let challenges destroy your dreams and future, but make a difference where ever you are'' she concluded.
Young up coming Entreprenuer: House of Mofe
''House Of Mofe is an up coming company dealing with Cleaning services, Errand management, Airport Pickup and Home Cooking only to mention but a few'' said Emmanuel Mofeyisara Akinyemi the Director and founder of the company.
House of Mofe business flyer
T.k : why did you choose the name ''house of Mofe'' ?
Mofe: The term ''house'' is a broad term which means it comprises of so many different things and that's what we do as ''House of Mofe ''.
T.k: Why did you choose to do cleaning and airport pickups, in fact everything you offer at ''House of Mofe"?
Mofe: Since l came here on this Island l had an idea of doing this so that l will relieve people with our services .And l went to Turkey to visit my brother and our fellow mate but getting there, the house was so dirty that l told my self that ,l should do something about it hence starting '' House of Mofe''. And l also observe the community that is there any competitor for now and l observed that , they was non for now.That's how l find my self starting up.
T.k : So did you have any experience of doing this business before?
Mofe: l used the little knowledge l have from my lecturers because l'm studying Banking and Accounting at Near East University, l also watch tutorials on Youtube and read Google notes too.
T.k: Do you have any workers?
Mofe: For now l only have one lady who help me cooking but l'm looking forward to work with other nationalities .But for now l do most of the job on my own.
T.k: How do you manage to work alone, is not the job too much for you?�i>
Mofe: For you to succeed in business you have to give it your all, the very best .Which means you have to work extra hard.
T.k: What are the challenges you faced and you are just 20 years how are the people responding to you?
Emmanuel Mofeyisara Akinyemi
Mofe: #1. Pricing issue, many people on this island they want to pay little money.
#2.language barrier, is limiting my business because l can not speak Turkish.
#3.Meeting up with the expectations, because l'm a Personal Assistant to my Pastor and l have to balance it all. I have to place marks.
I always put God in everything l do , because he is the one who brought me here...he continued
T.k: What advise can you give to someone who wants to start a business too and do not know how to do it?
Mofe: Know who your business is directed to, to be paid better because for me l can not direct my business to someone doing 50TL Chabuk Chabuk work , 'laughing'. The business have to survive.And follow them strictly because those are the people that are able to pay you, not students that are still struggling with house rent 'laughing'.And also people that take their life seriously those ones l promise you they will pay you better.
T.k: How can people get in touch with ''House of Mofe'' any social pages or contact details?
Mofe: for now we don't have any pages for the company but l am working on creating one and awareness too but for now l am using my own facebook page which is Emmanuel Akinyemi and instagram by the name House of Mofe.
Mama Afrika Success Secrets revealed
by Tafadzwa Sandi and Tinashe Kwangwari
The African continent is colored with a variety of food
dishes and ingredients that were passed by the word of mouth from generation to
generation. However, most of these dishes crossed seas and borders from Africa
to Northern Cyprus.
Located in the heart of Nicosia is Mama Afrika one of the
fast growing African restaurants in Northern Cyprus serving delicious African
dishes including Pounded Yam soup with beef, Amala soup with beef, Yam porridge,
and Fried Yam and egg with stew among other exquisite African meals.
Mama Afrika Restaurant is known for its reliability home delivery services and have now over three years operating at the same venue since it started.
Gülşah Anaekwe
Gülşah Anaekwe told Passionate Channel that she and her husband decided to start the food business in year 2013 because they wanted Africans living in the Northern Cyprus not to lose touch with food from their homeland.
“Me and my husband started Mama Afrika and after
brainstorming we came up with the name Mama Afrika for our business since there
was no other African Restaurants on this Island”,said Gülşah Anaekwe.
“We thought like it can be the mother of Africans, you know when
your mother cook and feed you. Mama Africa will remind everyone of home,” added
Like any other foreign business in Northern Cyprus Mama
Afrika also faced their own portion of challenges to start the business. They
had to go through the required registration process of their business.
“There were some serious documentation we had to go through,
we had no mind to hide somewhere and operate illegally and so engaged legal professionals to help us with the necessary paper work”, said Gülşah
Moreover, Gülşah who is the master Chef, said that running a business and owning a
business of course I support education but there are some things one have to go
Somethings you find them off the book while working on your
business, education is very important at
least it gives you the background of the
business even before you start it, she elaborated.
“If you want to start a restaurant at least you should know
how to cook”, Gülşah added
In three years to come Gülşah is looking forward to open
more branches in different places like Girne and Magusa.
To get in touch with Mama Afrika follow them on Instagram “mama.afrika’’ and on Facebook “Mama
Afrika Restaurant’’.
Understanding business models (Part 1)
Strive Masiyiwa
When I first started Econet Wireless, I travelled to South Africa to meet the senior leadership of one of the leading mobile network companies. I was looking for investment into our business. I did the customary pitch and offered them 40% of my business. For some of you who have seen Shark Tank on Kwese Inc, it was a similar experience!
Their CEO balked at my price. "No way!" he said. "That is just too expensive!"
For several weeks we haggled over the price but we could not bridge the gap, and we decided to go our separate ways.
More than 10 years later, I ran into the chairman of that company

This has happened to me many times. Sometimes I'm the one who walked away from a potential investment and sometimes I'm the one who missed out on a potentially great deal.
It's all business!
In that particular case, there was a reason we could not agree: I believed that the potential for growth in mobile phones was multiples higher than what they were projecting.
__Even though we were both in the same industry and could be considered experts in our field, we had a dramatically different view on the impact of a new technology: "Pre-paid payment" system!
(At that time you could only get a contract. The pre-paid technology was invented in Israel, and it totally transformed the industry, allowing billions of people to get access.)
I believed it would change everything. They thought my assessment was exaggerated.
There are so many new technologies coming through these days. Do you know what great technology is going to dramatically impact your business or the company you work for?
Years ago I used to keep a quote from William Goldsmith (one of the first British billionaires) which said:
"If you see a bandwagon, it is already too late." What do you think that means?
Let's talk.
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